What Is Medicare?

Medicare is a federal health insurance programme for those who meet the program’s requirements, such as those who are 65 or older, have certain disabilities, or have end-stage renal disease (ESRD), also known as permanent kidney failure. Medicaid and Medicare are two different insurance programmes, but the two names are often used interchangeably. While both […]
How are Medicare benefits changing in 2023?

Medicare Part A will increase by a small amount in 2023, while Medicare Part B and Medicare Advantage will decrease in price. In addition, Medicare now provides free vaccines under Part D, and there is a new Part B benefit that extends coverage for anti-rejection drugs following a kidney transplant. If you are new to […]

Medicare does not pay for preventative or routine eye care services like annual eye exams. If you have a long-term eye condition, like cataracts or glaucoma, Medicare will pay for some of your eye care. What Medicare Pays For: Surgical procedures to help repair the function of the eye due to chronic eye conditions. Surgery […]
The Truth About Medicare Part B’s Dental Coverage

When using Medicare Part B, can I get my teeth fixed? Actually, both yes and no. Even though Medicare Part B is a crucial component of your health insurance, it may not provide coverage for all of the services you require. The A and B components of the original Medicare plan. Medical care received outside […]
Medicare Part B vs. Part D: How to Choose the Best Prescription Coverage

You may have concerns about what each “component” of Medicare covers if you are getting close to Medicare eligibility. Original Medicare consists of Parts A and B, the Medicare Advantage program, and prescription medication coverage provided by Medicare Part D. This article will explain the differences between Medicare Part B and Medicare Part D and […]
Part D / Prescription Drug Benefits

The Medicare Part D prescription medication programme pays for most outpatient prescription drugs. Private insurance firms provide Medicare Part D either as a separate plan for people with Original Medicare or as an additional set of benefits for those who have selected a Medicare Advantage Plan. You should sign up for Medicare Part D when […]
Medicare vs. Private Health Insurance: How Do You Choose?

You’re not the only one who will soon be 65 but isn’t prepared to retire. Twenty percent or so of Americans over 65 are still employed. And while you aren’t quite ready to leave your job just yet, Medicare may be a new choice for your medical insurance that you should take into account. This […]
Does Medicare Pay for Caregivers? Your Guide to At-Home Healthcare

In-home caregivers for personal care or housekeeping are often not covered by Medicare if that is the only service you require. If you also require medical care to recuperate from surgery, a sickness, or an injury, Medicare may pay for short-term caregivers. If you’re homebound and your doctor orders it, Medicare will pay for short-term […]
Medicare Savings Programs – 10 Things You Need to Know

An important part of general health and well-being is oral health. 1 Poor oral health can have a negative impact on people’s overall health and quality of life, even if they receive preventative care, regular self-care, and early detection, treatment and management of disorders. 2 People with low income have a disproportionately high rate of […]
How Much Does Medicare Cost?

Most people’s budgets include health insurance, and it’s not a cost that goes away once they hit 65 and are eligible for Medicare coverage. Knowing how much Medicare will cost you is crucial to ensuring that you have the money to handle those costs. However, because there are multiple different aspects of Medicare that can […]